Lori Travers

Prayer Team

Hey there! My name is Lori Travers and I oversee the prayer ministry and teach women’s bible studies at TPC.

I’m originally from New Jersey and I moved to North Carolina in 2003. And although being a full-blooded Italian “Yankee”, coming down here kicking and screaming, Kernersville, NC is now my permanent home, along with my husband Larry of 40 years and my 3 married “kids”, Crystal, Jesse, and Emily.

After a childhood replete of harsh religion, a chaotic home life, then living in rebellion, the Lord crashed into my life in April of 1984 when His Spirit took up residency within my spirit, soul, and body. A drastic change took place back then and I’ve been walking this journey with Jesus for the past 40 years along all of the hills and valleys, streams and deserts.

I made Turning Point Church my home fellowship in April of 2020 (YES, in the midst of the pandemic and societal insanity!). It’s been a breath of fresh air for me and many of us who have struggled with our identity as beloved children of God. Here we find a safe, grace-filled, bible-based, quite imperfect but deeply loving fellowship of believers and “not-yet” believers.

Overseeing the Prayer Ministry has been a sweet, yet challenging experience. We consist of a small group of saints who believe that the base of all the church can accomplish is undergirded by prayer. So, currently we pray before the Sunday service and make ourselves available to anyone who needs prayer post-service. My vision for the future of this ministry is to create a prayer-culture at TPC, so much so that anyone who needs prayer will just have to ask the person next to them and it will be as natural as singing worship songs or sitting in on a bible study. This verse just speaks deeply into what I’d love to see: Acts 4:31-5:11 “And when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness.” AMEN!

Speaking of bible study, my heart is for the women in our church, and I have been facilitating women’s studies for the past few years on Monday evenings. These not only serve as head knowledge of biblical stories and principles, but (sometimes even more importantly) opportunities for women to have a safe space to share their struggles and their joys and learn to apply what we’ve learned in the day-to-day experiences. The women deeply care for one another and I love how they minister to and pray for one another. It’s also been an opportunity for deep friendships to develop.

I hope to be able to continue ministry at TPC even into the unforeseeable future. Although I have never felt abundantly gifted, I believe God is refining my gifts for this season of my life to minister to many who walk through our doors. My prayer is always that I would never misrepresent God to any of His image-bearers. So, I can’t go wrong if I love others with the love and grace He has shown me in so many ways, over so many years!